Moundsville, West Virginia

Background History

Construction on the penitentiary began in 1866 and it was opened for full operation in 1876.   A total of 94 men have been
executed in the prison since it opened.   From 1899-1949, eighty-five men were hung.    In 1951 the State began using an
electric chair.   The state abolished the death penalty in 1959.   Prisoners were kept in 5' x 7' cells and when over-
crowding became a concern, three prisoners were kept in a cell.   A interesting side-note, in 1983 Charles Manson
wrote to the warden requesting a transfer to the West Virginia Penitentiary.   Claiming he had family in the area
and also this was the only place that the guards had treated him well were his reasons.

Conditions here were poor and with the over-crowding they became worse.   Violence certainly increased in the latter years
of operation.   Many, many brutal killings and beatings took place here.   That combined with the number of horrible
executions, it leaves a lasting impression of pain and suffering.   It is impossible to imagine what everyday life was
like for these inmates.   The doors on the penitentiary were finally closed in 1995.

Investigation 03/07/2009 (11pm - 6am Investigators -- #18) -- Evidence --(3) Class B evps
Photographs -- 1 of interest (shown below - pic #3)

Investigation 03/05/2010 (9pm - 6am Investigators -- #20) -- Evidence --(3) Class B evps

Investigation 04/20/2012 (9pm - 3am Investigators -- #9) -- Evidence --(3) Class B evps

Data recorded on investigations -- Audio, Video, Photographs, EMF, Temperature, Personal Experiences

West Virginia Penitentiary Photo Album

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