Radford, Virginia

Background History

The St Albans Lutheran Boys School came into existence in 1892 but was later converted into a mental asylum in 1916
under the leadership of Dr. J.C. King.   Treatment for mental illness at this time was in its infancy and often times was
extreme and harsh.   Many patients died as a result of treatments such as Insulin Coma Therapy (ICT),
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and Hydro Shock Therapy (HST).   There are several documented
suicides at the Sanatorium as well.   All of this has brought St. Albans to the attention of many as a
paranormal hot spot or playground if you will.   Data and evidence have provided shadow figures,
apparitions, evps, disembodied voices and moving objects.

Investigation Data

Investigation 03/01/2014 (8pm - 3am Investigators -- #8) -- Evidence -- See Below..

Audio Evidence -- (2) Class A-B evps and (5) Spirit Box Clips

Investigation 03/06/2015 (8pm - 4am Investigators -- #4) -- Evidence -- See Below..

Audio Evidence -- (2) Class A-B evps and (6) Spirit Box Clips

Personal Experiences -- several disembodied voices heard

St. Albans Sanatorium Photo Album 2014