Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Background History

The Hoffman Mansion and barn are located in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania just off of the Emmitsburg
road.   The house and barn served as a union hospital during and after the battle of Gettysburg.
The property sits on the line of Pickett's Charge.

The house is known as a paranormal hotspot in Gettysburg and is rented out for investigations on
a frequent basis.   Numerous evps have been captured in the house as well as objects being moved,
people being touched.   Needless to say, we were very excited to investigate this incredible location.

Investigation Data
Investigation 07/11-12/2014 (2 am - 6 am Investigators -- #7, MHP Staff -- #1)
Evidence --(2) Class B evps -- Click here to listen
Personal Experiences -- 07/11 disembodied voice heard ("Help") -- 07/12 door
to basement was heard to have been pushed on and found unlatched after it was known
to have been latched.

Data recorded on investigations -- Audio, Video, Photographs, EMF, Temperature, Personal Experiences

We would like to thank the staff of the Gettysburg Paranormal Association for allowing us
to investigate this beautiful, historic landmark.

Hoffman Mansion Photo Album