Fairfield, Virginia

Background History

The McDowell Cemetery is a long abandoned cemetery dating back to the 1700s located off of route 11 in Fairfield, Virginia.
It is most noted for containing the grave of Captain John McDowell who was killed on December 18th, 1742 during a conflict
with Iroquois Indians.   The result of the conflict was 17 dead indians and settlers.   The dispute was over land and as a result
to avert war, Virginia Governor William Gooch would pay the Iroquois a reparation of over 100 pounds.   Other members of the
McDowell family are buried in the cemetery.

There have been claims the cemetery is haunted.   Report of children's laugher can be heard late at night in the cemetery.
There have been reports of a headless man seen at times often thought to be Captain McDowell who some say was
beheaded.   There are no records to support that theory.

Investigation 08/25/2013 (1pm - 3pm Investigators -- #2) -- Evidence -- None reported

Data recorded on investigation -- Digital Photography (#66 pics), IR Digital Photography (#175 pics)

McDowell Cemetery Photo Album

McDowell Cemetery on Video